It is hard to get information on the flavor characteristics of the different varieties, which there seems to be about a half dozen named varieties, besides the many different Serviceberry species there are, where hybrids were made from them.

It seems that the name Serviceberry came about in Europe, in pre-colonial times because when the Serviceberry blooms in early spring, the ground has thawed enough to dig a grave and hold a "Service." The service for a person who died earlier when the ground was too frozen to dig a grave, had to be postponed until the Serviceberries bloomed. I did a little studying on the Serviceberry. Rarely do people even know how desirable their edible fruit is, and the fruits just get gobbled up by the birds. Serviceberry bushes, often becoming small multi-trunk trees, are used a lot in landscaping here in Pennsylvania. That's in a spot in the orchard that I don't spray so planning for something low maintenance. In the event the Autumn Brilliance doesn't make it, I'd do a persimmon, pawpaw, or mulberry in that spot. I've read that the autumn briliance is more of a tall landscape tree not bred to eat. Even if I don't do the autumn brilliance, I'll still have the regent. They haven't fruited yet, but they are supposed to taste good. Although I also put in two regent serviceberries this year with my berry bushes. What could you say to them if your father and mother found out you gave them a Serviceberry that you didn't want because it isn't the best tasting variety? Or get them the one you determine is the best tasting.nothing but the best for mom and dad! If you find out that Autumn Brilliance is the best tasting, then get one for your parents. Wish I could help, but I have never tasted a Serviceberry. You will soon learn which variety(ies) are tops. There must be a good reason for the berry's popularity. Then do your research on the internet and determine which Serviceberry bush produces the best tasting berries. Plant the questionable Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry in your own garden. Are you stepping outside of the noble traditions of your countrymen? Besides, tomorrow is Father's Day! Just a minute now! Iowans are great children to their parents.